Monday, December 15, 2008

tummy bugs and funny kiwis...

We have been dealing with a yuck tummy bug over here - so far all of us have had it/still have it except for Sparky. I'm on the 5th day and still feel sick so it's not nice.

Anyway, as that's not a highly entertaining post, I thought I would let you know Bhaer and I have been getting into Flight of the Conchords, as a comic break from West Wing. Very funny. I like Jemaine (who looks a bit like my husband and a bit like an ex boyfriend of mine......who both are part or more Kiwi. as are FoftheCs..........hmmmm who knew my tastes were so well, specific???).

I've put a clip from the show below, a parody of Bowie. As many of you read blogs with kids around the WARNING is that their songs deal with grown up concepts - this one involves some mild drug references though this would go over my kid's heads I think. Come back and watch this when they are in bed.....


Kris said...

My kids picked out the FotC DVD just off their own bat and gave it to their Dad so that he could give it to me for my birthday. Needless to say I was very grateful for the DVD, but have NOT been letting them watch it! :)

Megan said...

picked it out themselves???? wow hipster kids!

Kris said...

I think they liked the cartoon-ish look on the front. :)

Cecily said...