Sunday, December 7, 2008

holiday movies for kids

I am starting to think through our holiday activities. I am going to take Sparky to a movie, but at 4, it is hard to find appropriate ones.

Kris (see sidebar) put me on to a great website, Kids in Mind. It tries to be as objective as possible, simply rating each movie on possible issues for kids and leaving it up to you what you do with that information, based on your values and kids.

I am considering Bolt, which opens here in January. It is about a dog who is a superhero. Sparky loves dogs and heroes so he should be like a cow in clover. My only concern is some violence which takes place in a TV show context in the movie, but I think we should be able to talk about it together.

What about you? what are you going to go see, with your kids or otherwise?


Prue said...

Ah, the movies. I remember them.

We haven't taken the Aviator to the movies yet, and we're not in any particular hurry.

Kris said...

I've also been thinking about Bolt, but just with Eldest at the moment. Boo is a little too spooked by the theatre to go back for a couple of years yet!

Megan said...

Hey prue - well if you want to try him with bolt you could always come with us this hols.

and kris, yes i reckon Sparky was only just ready for the movies when we took him at 4. So we will be waiting that long for Scout too.

Prue said...

Thanks Megan, but I reckon we wait it out a bit longer. No hurry.