Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a gingerbread.....beach?

I spent yesterday evening making a gingerbread house at the church my playgroup is at. I am inordinately pleased with myself (despite the fact I made it from a kit...) . Let's hope it lasts til Christmas.

But I was a little bemused by the reminder of how northern hemisphere our Christmas still is. Then I started thinking - how could you make an Australian gingerbread construction? after all it's all that snowy icing which sticks it together. Any ideas? I thought maybe blue icing with a sun and sea scene somehow.......or yellow icing for sand?

I found this Australian gingerbread house kit, but it didn't really work for me. I also saw this one on a blog, which worked much better, and actually looks Aussie, but still - what is the white meant to be?

* I'll try to get round to putting a photo up of my house before we eat it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How do they do it?

Also from Mim - a blog analyser to pick Myers Brigg from your blog.

Keen readers of my blog will know I am an INFP - well here they guessed me as an ISFP. Pretty close.

The analysis indicates that the author ofhttp://eventhesmallest.blogspot.comis of the type:
ISFP - The Artists
The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of. They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living.

(How can they tell? a vocab analysis?)

Yes, I am a woman (just)

Got this from Mim:

my blog has been analysed and:

We guess is written by a woman (51%), however it's quite gender neutral.

It doesn't seem that accurate - only about 55% from the web results so far....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I have a new name

I have just been given a Chinese (cantonese) name by my church. I am quite chuffed about this. My name (transliterated, and I hope I am getting this right!) is Do Mei Yun.

The surname is Do, and what we would call the first name is Mei Yun - which means Beautiful Grace. No one has told me what the Do part means. A great meaning too - so even more chuffed.
* piccie from

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Twins ARE better

Prue and I spoke of being twins in the comments of the post below (I am the girl of a boy/girl pair, Prue is an identical twin). I facetiously said that twins were better at duo, one on one relationships (such as marriage) because of practice in this regard. Well, I did think the remark had some merit . I also suspect, though, that twins may struggle more with group relationships, at least initially.

This interview with a twin expert backs me up, that twins learn empathy and sharing earlier, but also can struggle when first in school in learning how to interact with a larger group because they haven't needed to learn this skill, because they have been sufficient for each other. Another interesting point is that twins tend to use their twin as their blankie (security object).

Hey blankie! what you doing in another city?

(but hey prue, lets not mention that twins are on average meant to have lower IQs ;) .......I haven't noticed this with the twins I know)