Friday, December 26, 2008

Thankyou God!

A dramatic hot tea incident with Scout (very silly stunt by him) meant a non functioning laptop on Christmas eve and a very cranky me. But the next day, in the joy of Jesus' birth it didn't seem to matter so much. Then today it has dried out! Wow! Now just got to get the keys working properly where we had to take them off to clean out tea.


Prue said...

Presumably Scout is OK too?!

Kris said...

I hope the keys can get working. There's nothing like hot liquid to make you appreciate technology (or realise our complete dependence upon it)...

Donald H. said...

as an IT manager I can't begin to tell you the stories of dead laptops. I am glad yours is ok. PS if the key board is not working right you can get just the keyboard replaced on most laptops. We replace them from time to time. I know on an IBM thinkPad it is like $70.

Megan said...

Hi Prue, yes Scout is ok - the main reason the laptop stopped working is i left it too long before cleaning it cause i was too busy making sure Scout wasn't burnt!
Hi Kris, yes its amazing how now 2 computers in the house feels essential...
Hi Donald, thanks ! I didn't know you could do that! I'll see how it goes...