Sunday, February 22, 2009

Name game - a meme for my sadly neglected blog.

Sorry blog readers it's been a week.

Ok, to get back into it, a meme Kris (see sidebar) tagged me with - somewhat modified for privacy.

WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and fathers middle name) Joy William

NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad) Edward William
Girl version: Julia Joyce

.DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal) I have several favourite colours - um Blue Cat?

SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born) Joy Sydney

SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)The Green Tea ( a particularly soothing lower caff hero LOL)

YOUR GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)Megizzle

I am very taken with my superheo name I have to say :). Consider yourself tagged if you have a funny name come up when you do it....

1 comment:

Kris said...

heheh. i like megizzle. :)