Friday, April 18, 2008

archive meme aka who's that blogger?

Prue tagged me for a meme. It is an archive one to share 5 old posts. I have decided to use it as a handy dandy introduction to me and my blog. The 5 posts are to be about family, friends, me, something I love, and anything I like. So here goes:

Family: I am surrounded by men in my family. One of the most important men in my life.
Friends: Here is the purpose of my blog
Me: Why did I call my blog even the smallest?
Something I love: So many options. Here are 2 little examples - and this helps you with knowing who is who in my blog. I am still looking for a new nickname for Owl. He has turned into an adventurous intrepid toddler - any ideas?
Anything I like: here is one of the posts where I talk about my faith and my friends - love for God and love for others - pretty much sums it up for me.

And a note to my husband (Bhaer) - you haven't made it into one of these posts, but you are a very important man in my life who I love very much.

A lot of my regular readers who are bloggers have already been tagged, so that leaves Andrew, John, Les, Mim and Nicole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Megan! I'll do this soon.