Wednesday, December 5, 2007

possum witchery and owl stitchery

Yes, Possum magic is a lovely book. No, we won't be reading it again anytime soon. Why? We have had a resident possum since Sunday morning. He makes a lot of noise in the evening (of course it could be a she, but its toilet habits suggest a boy to me ;) - see below), which is difficult enough with 2 small kids in the house, but what is starting to make me regret the possum's protected status is that it has discovered a vent we have in the kitchen ceiling is perfect for weeing through. Fortunately this does not target anything major (like the stove...) but unfortunately it is starting to leave a stain on our wood floor - I need to move a bucket under there - I had just had newspaper, but this possum seems to have a large bladder. Plus when the possum awoke early last night, while I was cooking dinner, I kept freaking out that it would wee on me as I moved about. We have booked in the possum removalist (expensive!!) but they can't come until next week....

But in happier animal news, I have started making the owl softie for Owl. Prue made me a gorgeous pattern, and it is starting to look good. Of course, Sparky wants me to make him one too. See here for the mini mock up Prue did, though mine is different colours and larger - you will have to wait and see.

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