Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday mode

Sorry - I hadn't blogged for a couple of weeks - there was the mad Christmas rush, Christmas itself, and now I'm in holiday mode. We are holidaying at home, as it is cheaper, and going away with just walking Owl is not our idea of fun. So we plan to do some Sydney things - so far only been to Balmoral beach (in the rain to see old friends.....) and also we have hit the sales (I did a whole morning sans kids with my cousin, and have added necessary items to my wardrobe plus lots of Sparky clothes for next summer).
Other ideas we have are going to Sydney Wildlife world (smaller than Taronga zoo, so good for Owl's stage, and we have a voucher for it - we will go to Taronga later in the year) and stopping in at the chinese gardens while there if we feel up to it, going to the beach on a sunny day (!), seeing friends, and Bhaer and I plan to have 2 nights out - another advantage to staying at home is baby sitting is available - we are trying to decide a movie to see, since we haven't seen one since pre Owl - any suggestions?
I have put in websites as I went, but here's 2 others for people in our situation holidays with kids and travel for kids.
You may be wondering, did I finish the owl softies in time? yes I did! I promise piccies soon!!!

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