Thursday, October 18, 2007

what do you do with them?

I am interested to know what others with small kids do with them all day.

I have this guilt thing that I should be providing just the right amount of stimulation in a range of areas. That I should be highly organised and thoughtful about this. Those who know me as the unstructured person I am will probably guess this is not the case. With Sparky, I did provide a lot of stimulation, basically because he demands a lot of attention as an extravert and I had to think of things to do with him so I didn't get bored. Then for the first few months post Owl, I was really busy with him as the frequent feeder, bad sleeper he was, and so Sparky was left to fend for himself a lot more (self directed play is good, right?). Now Owl himself is playing, as he is now at the cruising round the furniture stage and opening doors etc. But Owl is a lot more naturally self directed, and Sparky has learnt to be. Though he now tries to organise me with what he has decided to do - yesterday I kept coming into the kitchen finding ingredients and implements for baking cakes had been taken out - Yes Sparky had decided we should bake - he knew what to get out, too! Actually Sparky has taken to turning off the TV in the morning and telling me he has finished with the TV now - I am starting to get the impression from this and many other incidents that Sparky may be a structured personality - a J, in Myers Brigg speak.

I actually allow myself to be directed by him to some extent - so I don't tend to organise craft, for instance, but if he asks for it, will provide it. So he does paint, draw, use playdough, use stickers on a regular basis - though highly structured craft is left for playgroup. I always read a book to him at bedtime, but often he asks for others during the day too. He has been learning to read as well, because he started reading words by himself almost a year ago, I nearly fell over in astonishment and figured maybe I should teach him too if he is interested- but this goes up and down depending on whats going on for me. I used to put on music for him and play music and sing and dance with him before owl, but I don't really get round to this at the moment. Maybe when Owl is a little older it will be something both can do, and I might do it then.

Poor Owl, I keep remembering that at that age I spent lots more time with Sparky, teaching him to walk, showing him things, talking to him, reading books - how do second children learn anything? ?

I find with 2 kids that I have more housework to do, that can't be put off, and as Owl is a light sleeper, I can't do it when he is asleep. So that means they get left to play more by themselves than when I had 1.

my mind says they are going ok, and that this is good for them, to learn to amuse themselves, but my fears say I must get the right amount of everything in! and maybe I am failing them if I don't....


Prue said...

We are not highly structured and organised, but I try to get out at some stage every day, to break up the boredom for both me and the firstborn - we have one day a week where there are no planned activities and I ALWAYS try to get out that day. As well as home activities we have swimming lessons on one day, he goes to daycare two days a week, and we have bible study/creche another morning a week. We also have a semi-regular get-together with friends from mother's group one afternoon a week.

When we are at home I try to limit the amount of DVDs, but as the firstborn doesn't have a sleep I usually put on a DVD or ABC Kids in the afternoon for him to have some quieter time. Apart from that we read books, do cooking (he loves making pasta), play in the sandpit, draw, garden, have water play (collect water in the shower in the morning, he "cooks" with it with his tea set), play with trainset/planes/machines/construction toys etc. We actually never do craft at home, mainly because he is totally uninterested in it. And no dancing - his phrase is "we don't dance" - he's a good little Baptist!

Cecily said...

Hate craft. Never paint. Send them out to the backyard in the afternoon and go out (anywhere!) in the morning. Shop with them and take time to get them involved in the chores to music. Preschool is for the rest of it!

Megan said...

Thanks for sharing prue and cec! i try to get out too - though I dont drive, so if no one else is around that day, will walk them to the playground or the local corner store. I am thinking of starting Saprky at swimming lessons - he did some when he was 1. I look forward to owl being able to play in the backyard (owl at the moment eats EVERYTHING!!! so outside is very difficult - and our backyard is unsupervisable from inside). Sparky loves dancing (he is a real showman in personality if you hadn't already picked this up.....) but usually this involves dancing at inconvenient moments such as when he is eating dinner. And yes I involve Sparky in chores too - though not to music - thats a good idea. But, boy, i will be quite pleased when Sparky goes to preschool 2 days a week next year...