Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Slavery alive and kicking

I had just typed a whole post on this in word and lost it. But I feel strongly about this, so here we go again. I have just been looking into this in my sermon preparation for Micah 6:6-8:

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

I have been thinking about this recently, because of reading about a movie out called the jammed about the sex slavery trade in Australia, a film which has been struggling to find distribution, and also because a friend asked me to join a group on Facebook against human trafficking.

Here are some sobering stats:
27 Million estimated slaves worldwide
1.2 million estimated children trafficked every year
1000 estimated sex slaves in Australia - the extent of all forms of slavery in Australia is not known - yes read that again - slavery exists in Australia today!

Another recent film, that I haven't yet seen but would like to (Besides the important and engrossing subject matter, the adorable Ioan Gruffudd is in it), Amazing Grace, looks at the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade 200 years ago, an achievement Christians can be proud to have been important change agents in. But we cannot rest on our laurels! When we understand the value given to human beings in the Bible, that we are in the image of God, we should not be content until slavery has been abolished everywhere.

What can you do? start by looking at these websites:

The antislavery project
Stop the Traffik
World Vision Australia


Kris said...

Funny you should mention that, 'cos there's a great book I've come across today...

Great minds think alike, eh? Or is it just that God's spirit works in all of us to bring about his purposes?


Anonymous said...

Good on ya sister. I followed the link to Traffik and signed the worldwide petition. Maybe you should e-mail that link around to friends, or start a facebook group and reference the link (might exist already)?

I had a look at World Vision's site, and saw that they had done a pre budget e-card campaign to lobby politicians to increase Australia's efforts at meeting anti-poverty milennium goals. I really hope Rudd gets up, quite aside from all the obvious reasons, I think it will give the church (and others) a good opportunity to really press for more justice for the world's poor.