Wednesday, October 24, 2007

childrearing and personality

Bhaer and I have been thinking a lot about how our parenting methods need to take account of personality. We are both very aware, for instance, that as introverts, we shouldn't see Sparky's extraversion as naughtiness just because it is different (and sometimes annoying...).

Just the other day, Sparky told me he liked squiggly things - like worms and drawing squiggles. This made me think of the very basic personality test of what shape you like. There are 5 shapes and one is a squiggle. I wondered whether it worked for him. Well, not completely - for a 3 year old he isn't messy and disorganised. But he is "creative, flamboyant, dramatic, and witty" and "very easily bored, requiring constant stimulation". See here. You can check out yourself - I'm a circle, with a little squiggliness.

I have often wondered what his Myers Brigg type is - it is hard to know for a young child, but we are guessing an ENFJ (though not as sure about middle letters).

Owl is still a baby, so hard to guess at him, but he is generally quieter (not always), and more self directed.

I'm thinking I might like to look into books like the one pictured above - which I found here on Amazon.

What about your kids? How do their personality types shape how you parent?


Prue said...

Have never even considered what personality type the firstborn is... and will have to wait some time to work out the youngest member of the family!

Anonymous said...

heh heh -- we have the same problem in mirror image -- I often say that I'm glad I had the experience of seeing you grow up, so I can understand my eldest girl a lot better!

I did that shapes tests -- I was a squiggle with a triangle -- but then the link to that profile didn't work, so all I know is that squiggles embarass their friends -- great [adam]