Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A simpler approach to ethics

On Australia Day I discussed 2 ethical issues with Sparky. Now, granted, in explaining the issues to Sparky, my own biases came through strongly, both because I was trying to explain simply, and because I was instilling values.
But I was struck by how simple these issues appeared to him.

He couldn't understand why anyone would buy cage eggs. It was easy for him: unhappy chickens = a bad thing. Then when I explained that they were cheaper and people cared more about that than the chickens, he wanted to know why the supermarket sold them. I explained that they sold them because people bought them. He suggested that as more people realised chickens were sad and bought the free range eggs, maybe the supermarket would stop selling them. I said I hoped so.

The other issue was the date of Australia Day. He wanted to know why some thought it should be a different day (reading news over my shoulder). I explained about the indigenous point of view. His reaction? Well, why not just make it a different day then? Indeed.

On that last point, I am taken by suggestions we should make it the day we become a republic --- now roll on the republic!
photo from image after

1 comment:

Kris said...

The republic issue probably explains why the current government has been resisting date changes. Perhaps they're hoping that the lure of another public holiday might fire up the public's imagination?
