Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess the books

Nicole tagged me to do this meme – I had fun guessing hers, so have a go on mine!

The rules:
- Take ten books, and transcribe the fifth sentence from page fifty six.
- Make sure that at least five books are fiction, provide five hints, and pass the meme on to six other bloggers.

Well here are the hints;
1. I picked 10 books that I own off the shelves in my loungeroom, which holds my theology and other Christian books, literature, science fiction and fantasy, parenting, arts (art, music, architecture etc) and psychology books . (There are no children’s books or cookbooks in this room).
2. I picked 10 books that had an impact on me.
3. the impact ranges from : my poetry, my imagination, my vocation ,my study, my theology, my prayer, my parenting, my self identity, my view of church, my musical taste.
4. Some of my favourite writers using the term broadly, are included.
5. Keep reading as I may divulge other hints in the next few days (such as authors…)

and the quotes...
1. If it is more natural for us to wear a mask than to show our faces, then how and when do we expose ourselves to God?
2. Fanny, who was sitting on the other side of Edmund, exactly opposite Miss Crawford, and who had been attentively listening, now looked at him, and said in a low voice,
3. Introduce children to the reality.
4. You’d like it down there. (it may help to know the next sentence has characters named Davy, megan and Gywnneth.)
5. In the past, the transition within renewal movements from the charismatic to the credentialing phase generally led to the loss of leadership roles for women.
6. It has everything to do with it, said Gandalf.
7. The rise and fall of Byzantiumis of particular importance to a full understanding of the subsequent development of eastern orthodoxy in Russia and Greece,,, (it goes on, and I can’t be bothered typing the rest but you get the picture)
8. So, so break off this last lamenting kiss (in this case I took fifth line not fifth sentence)
9. The prince of peace (fifth phrase in this case)
10. before a whole dean and chapter assembled in their own cathedral!

I will tag my six people later in the next week.


Kris said...

OK, I'm completely in the dark on most of this. However.

2 = Mansfield Park (That's an easy one!)
5 seems familiar, but it's not the women in ministry book I was thinking...
6 - The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring?

The rest is fairly mysterious... :)

Megan said...

yes, 2 and 6 correct. and 5 is a women in ministry book by a well known evangelical.

Nicole said...

A couple of guesses...

9. Handel's Messiah?

8. I don't know what the book is, but the poem is John Donne's 'The Expiration'.

10. Has to be something by Trollope?

Megan said...

yes yes yes Nicole!
8, yes correct poem - book is the complete english poems - donne
9 yes, I own the complete music in book form
10 it is trollope - now guess which one!