Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drumroll please..Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you

You may have read in previous posts that the blogs I link to on my sidebar are my friends. I currently don't link to any other blogs, although I do look at other blogs. For me blogging is about friendship, and I find that I do not sustain an interest in a blog unless the blogger is already a friend or becomes one. And because of that, the blogs I link to aren't necessarily anything like mine, just as your friends can be wonderfully different from you. Which may mean that you ignore my links, as you don't know what the blogs will be about. So I thought I would introduce you to my current crop of links. I also want to do this, because I have been reflecting lately on what an encouraging and inspiring lot they all are and wanted to sing their praises.

Andrew aka Jubilee Man: Andrew and my husband were in each other's bridal parties, and when they saw each other more often they were full of in jokes that only they understood! Bhaer misses him very much. Andrew is a minister, husband (see Cecily below) and father. Andrew's blog is full of different treasures: thoughtful theology, musings on life, ministry and family, and also loads of wonderful photography shot by himself.

Byron aka nothing new under the sun: Byron and I have only met online, but have since discovered so many connections we can't understand why we have never met. He is doing his PhD on the church at the moment, and I can't wait to see where it goes. His blog is my stop for a good theological think - but Byron is never just about the academy, so he also engages meaningfully with real world issues such as politics and the environment.

Cecily aka I love sunny day is married to Andrew, and is a friend from Uni days. She is one of those amazing inspiring women who is able to put her hand to almost anything. She is a published author, and she often shares what she is currently writing on her blog. She also tells you about her latest projects and passions, and about mothering her 3 kids (one of whom is in the autism spectrum). She does everything with flair and love.

John aka Smulospace is a friend of mine from college days. He has an enquiring mind, always willing to entertain the views of others and think things through. His blog is a meeting place for emerging church discussion. A refreshing change in a blogger, he tries to provoke discussion rather than hold forth on his own opinion all the time. A necessary voice of critique for the church today, he doesn't come across, as some do, as Mr Negativity, but rather still a lover of Jesus and his people.

Kaylene aka my life as a (not so) yummy mummy is another old Uni friend. Like me, she is a mum of 2 small boys - incredibly only about 13 months apart - so I take my hat off to her! A very smart woman, she has a high powered career but her heart is with her 2 boys. She blogs about the intersection of her work and children, and shares about the joys and challenges of mothering in a genuine, frank and heartfelt manner.

Kristen aka the babies stole my brain and I were in the bridal parties of each other's weddings and we are often spending time on Facebook or the phone together when we should be doing other things - Kris is a lifeline for me. Kristen is in ministry with her husband. Kris's eclectic blog showcases her wideranging interests, as she fills it with her engaging thoughts on parenthood, ministry, the church, the world and pop culture. And if the Babies did steal her brain, then they must have given her an even better one back (don't play her at word games!)

Mark aka Honest approach and I were in a Bible study group together for a few years. We were 2 of the most outspoken members of the group, and we derived much enjoyment from debating things together. Mark is one of those people who is never happy just to take something as read, he always wants to ask why first - we really need people like him in the world! His blog focusses on faith and spiritual growth in a serious minded and thoughtful way.

Mim aka Mim's muddle is married to a school friend of my husband and pretty quickly became my friend too. Mim is a mother of 3 kids and has just gone back to the workforce - she is a person who take an active interest in many many things, and this makes her blog very interesting - read about wildlife, jewellery making, sci fi, historic re-enactment, feminism, food... and her family, all written about with honesty, humour and heart.

Nicole aka 168 hours is the wife of a college friend. We have only recently met in person, but because of her open and caring online presence, I feel like I know her well! She is a mother to 3 young kids. Her blog encourages and challenges other Christian women, especially mothers, to live lives that every day transcend the everyday in serving God and others. She also is a poet and shares great poetry written by herself and others.

Prue aka My life as the good twin is a friend from uni days (and a playgroup friend now). Prue is a mother of 2, botanist, botanical artist and crafter. She is an incredibly multitalented person, and shares her always accomplished art, craft, sewing and breadmaking, as well as opening up about her life as a mum. She also shares her wry, funny and insightful observations about life and the world.

So, go visit them, be kind to them, and maybe become friends too.


mimbles said...

Lovely idea Megan, thank you for the kind words :)

Kris said...

You're beautiful, you know! :)

Cecily said...

Megan has a talent for saying kind and appreciative things about others.

Prue said...

When we were at Uni Megan's husband and my husband thought they should form a support group for people married to twins. Goodness knows why. ; )

Megan said...

It's just hard on the ego to be married to people so wonderful as twins. After all, we already have had so much practice living in a duo ;)

Kaylene said...

Thanks Megan - what lovely things to say.