Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What I'll be watching

2 things have me thinking about what I'll be watching.

One, non ratings period is about to finish. At the start of ratings period every year, I always get very excited about new programs. This is despite the fact that usually about 3 weeks in, I decide only about 1 of these new programs are worth watching, and the others are only "new" in the most superficial of senses. But hope springs eternal.
Two, Owl having reached the advanced age of one, we have already gone to more movies over the holidays than we did in the preceding year (2 as opposed to 0). We hope to see more this year. This hope may have a better chance than the first.

So, without further ado -
New TV I wish to try:

ABC - see here for new stuff

documentary In the company of actors tomorrow night

drama series East of everything - great cast

jane Austen Fourplay - 4 Austens!! billy piper as fanny price? intriguing or bizarre?....(see piccie above)

10 - see here
not thrilled with anything so far - will check out latest reality offerings such as biggest loser, idol.

May try Back to you with Kelsey Grammer - preview I saw only so-so


pushing daisies - I wasn't that keen, but then I watched the preview. Worth a go.

may try Cashmere Mafia - or this may really really bug me. But aussies in it (Frances O Connor and Miranda Otto) mean I will give it a whirl.

may try Samantha Who - not sure

SBS - will have to wait as I couldn't get on to website.

Films I wish to see: see next post!


mimbles said...

I have several friends who adore Pushing Daisies, so yes, give it a go! I'll get round to it one of these days too :)

I'm still completely out of the habit of watching anything on free-to-air TV, it's all downloads and DVDs for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, a little input from American television viewing public -- The Pushing Daisies pilot is magical luminosity. None of the following come close to being as superb so catch the pilot and end it there. Cashmere Mafia is not doing well at all in the US. Do not expect another season or a return after the writers' strike ends. I wouldn't waste my time on a show that won't last and is a pretty unremarkable show anyhow. Samantha Who? is the surprise hit in the US. Most thought it would do well, but because of some smart writing, amazing cast (Applegate, Smart and underused McCarthy)and great time slot, it's the biggest hit of the fall season. Another show that you may or may not dig is Moonlight. It is also doing surprisingly well. It's a vampire show, but not nearly as engaging as Buffy or Angel. It's a hit though. Happy watching.

Prue said...

I started to watch the pilot of Pushing Daisies but was as bored as anything, so turned it off.

Here's hoping the writer's strike will make the Australian networks come up with some new series. And ones which aren't just reality tv.

Nicole said...

We obviously like watching the same things! I'm planning on watching that doco tonight too. My sister and I saw the Sydney production of Hedda Gabler - did you get to see it? (I think I remember a conversation I had with your dad about it at a work function!).

Megan said...

Hey all!
I watched the pilot of Pushing Daisies that was in the sunday paper on a DVD (is this what your friends have seen Mim?), and really enjoyed that, but I can see it wouldn't be everyone's cuppa (Hope you find some Tv you do like, Prue - otherwise it might be back to West Wing - which maybe I will be doing this too!). I'm saddened to hear it goes downhill from there!But I will have to try Samantha Who then.

Just finishing watching the doco tonight on Hedda Gabler - watching Andrew Upton (I had only seen him in photos before) I suddenly understand why Cate was attracted. I didn't see it in Sydney, no - Mum and Dad regularly have season tickets to STC (Sydney Theatre Company), but I rarely go with them these days what with small kids. But I really feel like I missed out watching the doco. I've read/seen other Ibsen but not Hedda for some reason so I feel the urge to go read the original now.

Hmm getting time to go to theatre - maybe I need to find some kid's theatre to go to if anyone is interested also (Nicole?) Though owl probably still a little too young currently.

Hello Anonymous! Thanks for your helpful Stateside view! Why not introduce yourself? - I would love to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan -

Carlos here. Settling in for a night of LOST and Eli Stone. I live in LA and am a huge fan of good television. Huge fan of Australia. Did the whole East Coast a while back and jonesing to get back. BTW, writers' strike should be over by Sunday. Not enough time to rescue Heroes or 24, I fear.

Kris said...

I enjoyed the problem of what to watch last night. I think I'm becoming rather "blokey" in my TV-watching choices: 7:30 - Top Gear, 8:30 - not sure what I watched, but I think i flicked around between jTV and So you Think you can dance, 9:00 Good Game on ABC2, and then back to Good News Week on channel 10. But back on the girlie side, I've enjoyed "Jam and Jerusalem" on ABC 1, and I hope it keeps going.