Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I are very bryght

Well, after some attempts, I have now managed to get the perfect score (50) on the vocab test game I mentioned a couple of posts back that gives rice to the hungry.
This says that I have:
a) an amazing vocab
b) a heart for the hungry
c) an amazing ability to waste time
d) a self esteem that needs shoring up through proving myself in games of limited application in the outside world...........
ahh! but the sense of achievement feels so good................
well, I was having some downtime from looking after a sick Owl all day, as he projectile vomited in the morning, all over me, twice. which also explains why Sparky went to bed with a sore tum last night. Plus tonight we had a blackout when I was putting them to bed (but the power is back on for House on tv tonight yay!).


mimbles said...

Heheh, I've only managed to get to 48, clearly I don't have enough time on my hands ;-) I don't propose to enlist child projectile vomiting as a downtime creation scheme though! Hope everyone's well now.

Just in case I fail to communicate this in some other way, our regular Christmas do is on Saturday 15th Dec from 4pm, I hope you guys can make it! Santa will be arriving at 5:30pm with BBQ dinner straight after.

Miranda said...

yeah, that's good, but do you have to use all those words when you play me at Scrabbulous? :) While Charlie's asleep and the girls are at the park I might have a go and see what I get... I'm not hopeful

Miranda said...

you're all gooder than me... might explain my scrabulous performances

I never got to 48

learnt some stuff though...

puissance = power
gelid = frigid

fair enuff

great site!

Kris said...

excellent! I keep being knocked back to 41. Best I've managed is 46!