Wednesday, August 22, 2007

my vegie patch

a friend blogged about the success or not of her patch. We have just planted ours! (well a friend has done it for us...) . In ours so far is :
spanish onions
lemon thyme
snow peas
and we also planted 3 olive trees
as I look at it a leaning to the mediterranean.

and the fledgling lemon tree that was in the front yard when we moved in has finally borne fruit (not many).

so I will keep you posted on our progress.

also, on the inedible front, just planting some natives near the council strip - banksias, grevilleas and bottle brush - all with flowers shading from cream through to amber.

I am very pleased with the grey green foliage of the natives and the olives (I'm kinda anti bright green - its un australian somehow)


mimbles said...

Hi Megan *waves* I found my way here via facebook :)

The veggie patch sounds great, I'm jealous...except not really 'cause I'm the world's worst gardener. We do have a veggie patch, it's been growing a nice crop of weeds for several years now :P

What are you guys up to on the APEC long weekend? We're having a bbq for all and sundry on the Friday from mid-afternoon so if you're free we'd love to see you!

Kris said...

you have a lemon tree? well, drink lots of water, 'cos the waste product apparently makes a good lemon fertiliser! ;)