Monday, June 11, 2007

personality and marriage

in the discussion of personality we are having (see also iloveasunnyday blog)

another interesting point: what personalities make good marriages?
andrew and cec - see blog below on blogging and type - enfj and entj. This may be a very good match - not all the same, so there is complementarity, especially on the male/female related dimension of T/F , but also enough the same to give compatibility.

My husband and I are the same type..... we agree a lot, which is nice, and like doing a lot of the same things. But it means we have the same weaknesses. 2 Ps is very chaotic - I find myself as the moderate P having to be J in the marriage. He has to do likewise on T, as I am an extreme F.

However, we do come out as different personalities on Enneagram.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

had a discussion last weekend with some friends over sibling personalities - everyone came from families where all the kids had quite different personalities. I mentioned that, growing up, I was the diametric M/B opposite to my twin sister but just got pooh-poohed off my chair with everyone bagging out the m/b scheme. They were mostly scientists -- like, so J! ;)

(their main objection was that it was non-testable waffle - i didn't bother objecting that it is not physical science) [adam]

oh - it might interest people as juvenile as myself - last blog i was required to type in 'bmbggr' as the verification word. shut up, it gave me a giggle!