Monday, June 11, 2007

help needed

I am currently working on a post about my fave books. As a P (perceptive type, see blogs on Myers Brigg) making decisions about what to put in the list is taking time, so in the meanwhile here is a boring blog for you, but good for me...

Please help me on a debate I am in at church on tithing on friday - I am meant to be pro. As a very non legalistic person, this is hard - I keep thinking of anti arguments. I am thinking of defining tithing not as a tenth but more generally as a systematic practice of giving - is this legit? and any arguments for me????

btw, as a P, taking sides in such a definite way as you do in debating is quite hard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm, you lucked out! You could try a cheeky angle -- you could say that grace really compels us to give everything, whereas law just lays down a required minimum. So you could be pro-tithing in the sense that 'yes, tithing is a good start'. Then if you wanted to be all P and balanced you could give qualifications about God judging our hearts, not hiring a forensic accountant to calculate percentages. Perhaps Jesus' commendation of the poor lady who gave a couple coins contains a clue about tithing in the current age - give your utmost in everything. In terms of giving money, perhaps giving until it hurts means 1%, or 5%, or 10% or 80% etc. (Of course I'm a hypocrite from a single income household with a mortgage...)[adam]