Monday, April 23, 2007

mother guilt

I believe there is a book out about this ( see Mother Guilt - by Ita Buttrose - havent read it).... yesterday I went for a walk - with baby in pouch but without 2 year old. 2 year old in sobs because mummy was going without him (a grandmother was there to look after him). Despite the fact that I was doing it to control my weight since having preeclampsia twice gives me a very high chance of developing high blood pressure later in life, and walking with my 2 year old isn't a major workout - I cried for the first part of the walk, feeling bad for doing something for myself. Hmm, how is going back to work this week (as of today) going to with all that guilt???

1 comment:

Kris said...

It doesn't get easier, unfortunately. I still feel huge guilt at leaving the house when one or other are crying. It's a guilty wrench when it happens, but it's like a slap in the face when they get over their clingy stage and don't notice when you leave!

- Can't win. :)