Thursday, May 3, 2007

the nursing pastors association?

Just gone back to work (which is why havent blogged recently) - as I start juggling 2 kids 2 and under with working as a pastor, there is the story about Julia Gillard being told by Bill Heffernan she can't be a leader because she has chosen not to have children, Yet if she did have she would be in trouble for neglecting them!!! We just can't win sometimes.

My baby is refusing to take the bottle (opposite of his older brother), so I am breastfeeding him at work on Sundays. A pastor breastfeeding at church... this is pioneering stuff hey??


Cecily said...

Good on you. Don't know how you do it (work and kids that is - I get breastfeeding.)

Megan said...

i dont know how you do what you do! one answer for me is very low standards re housework!!!!