Thursday, March 29, 2007

things I miss

things I miss from my life pre 2 kids (currently 11 weeks and 2.5 years):

thinking. I can't get very far into any abstract thought at moment due to both sleep deprivation and intervening thoughts like - when is Owl (the baby) going to want to feed next? has Sparky gone to the toilet enough today?

working outside the home. or doing anything that takes me out of home and home concerns for longer than half an hour- though I'm back at work soon - excited but apprehensive.

cooking elaborate creations

eating slowly

watching movies (even on DVD, they take too long at the moment)

Having something to talk (or blog) about that doesn't involve small children

To be honest, I'm meant to be all "aren't babies wonderful", but instead I'm very keen for latest one to be at least crawling!!!!! doing something!!! showing ability to get beyond baby age!!!

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