Saturday, March 17, 2007

A room of one's own

I an writing this as our night owl baby is still sitting up with us in the evening resisting sleep. I have totally forgotten whether our first used to do this -I have tried to recall but have come up blank. I think sleep deprivation has a continuation of the species purpose - you forget a lot of the difficult baby times and go and have another one. I am just thinking come on baby, get out of my hair. He's not being especially difficult, not screaming. It's just that I am desperate for personal space. I have discovered that 2 kids seriously gets in the way of my introverted need for personal space and time. When one is out of your hair, the other one is in it. It's amazing how necessary that time alone and not touching another being is for me (so cuddling baby while I watch TV doesn't count). And the constant noise! chatter from 2 year old and crying from the baby. My idea of paradise at the moment would be to have no one to talk to or interact with for a whole day. It doesnt matter what I was doing for that day - I could be doing housework. Just with NO-ONE around. Virginia Woolf wrote a famous essay (title as mine above) which suggested women wouldn't acheive the way that men do without having a room of their own - i.e. the ability to get away from the demands of home. What about an apartment, I say???


Kris said...

That's a lovely idea - a nice quiet corner with cozy couch. Perhaps we should organise a communal "Mother flat" with timeshare arrangements for harried mothers...

Cecily said...

I often think I need a holiday - just by myself. Three weeks in a single room next to a beach would be ideal. Then I think, well, three might be too indulgent. Just a week would be ok. Well, maybe two days. Oh, ok, a day would be enough. Oh heck, give me three hours! Just let me be by myself!!!

Megan said...

Love the idea of timeshare flat! and hey that 3 week holiday sounds like paradise. The dreams of mothers ... It was so good to see comments from you both today - I had one of THOSE days (one which is so bad you have to ring up your own mother and unload, thus interrupting her MUCH MUCH deserved time out - don't you all really appreciate your mums now?)