Tuesday, March 6, 2007

personality and first impressions

Here I am responding again to the same friend's blog! (see my post below on christians and culture - this shows that stuck at home with kids, reading blogs is now my community!) - she is reading about friendship at the moment and the effect that conversational style has on our judgment of each other. This really made me think back over past relationships. I thought this also related into personality - say for instance introversion/extraversion. Introverts such as myself often show a different public face to private one. I know for myself I tend to not show my serious side until I know someone well - as I keep what really matters to me private. I also tend to show this serious heart more in what I write than in what I say. I wonder how many people have not become friends because I do this? Do I miss out then on becoming friends with those people who would share my most deeply held views and ideals?
this is related also to my mysers brigg type - INFP see http://users.knoware.nl/users/veldman/frans/dutch/infp.htm or http://www.personalitypage.com/INFP.html
what are you?


Cecily said...

This is amazing. After not seeing each other for YEARS, all of a sudden we are community - and communicating - again because of blogger. I'm in awe of technology. And I think it's cool you comment on my blogs! Thank you.

Andrew Paterson said...

Got to this post a bit late! I am an ENTJ.

Congrats on your weight loss and blog - a good read.