Wednesday, March 18, 2009

help needed from parents of school kids

I have recently begun buying Sparky's clothes for next year (I buy up clothes in sales and on ebay in advance and put them aside). Poor Scout mostly gets his brother's handmedowns.

When he was born, I asked my eldest cousin, mother of 4, how much clothing I needed to buy for each size and season and she gave me some very helpful guidelines (At the very least for summer and winter, they need enough tops and bottoms to have one on, one in the drawer, one in the wash and one on the line. 4 is essential, 6 plenty. And 2 church outfits. )

But I am thinking that with school uniforms, I will not need to buy as much mufti. And I will need to buy enough uniforms. The question I have, before I overbuy, is how much of each?

I have been thinking 3 uniforms and 3 non-uniforms, plus the usual 2 church outfits. So, parents of school age children please advise - is this a good plan? or are there some factors I need to know about?


Nicole said...

I have 3 sets (3 shirts, 3 shorts). I found that amount is plenty as I basically do a load or two of washing a day anyway, so I can easily keep on top of 3 sets.

And I have definitely found he doesn't need many other clothes at all now he's at school! I buy kids clothes in advance, and he had too many last year. You might find you need a few more summer clothes since the summer holidays are so long though...

mimbles said...

For uniforms in kindy I managed with 2 pairs of shorts and 3 shirts for the boys, plus the sports uniform. We had sport on Wednesday so that worked perfectly. The 3 shirts was because they're white and sometimes they'd need serious soaking.

For mufti I pretty much ended up buying about the same as before they started school because we'd go on holidays and need the extra changes of clothes - particularly in the summer.

Now, for summer, David has I think 4 pairs of mufti shorts, at least 6 geeky T-shirts (from ThinkGeek no less!) and a few other bits and pieces. Tom has all Dave's hand-me-downs plus a handful of things I bought for him and Caitlin has a bigger wardrobe than me - Mum's neighbours kept giving her their hand-me-downs and Cait has taken to spending her pocket money on clothes. Plus they all have a full weeks worth of uniforms plus extras - I go sick of trying to keep up with 3 kids worth of uniforms washing mid-week.

Megan said...

Thanks Nicole and Mim, you have both helped a lot!

With uniforms, Nicole I do a load of washing everyday (except sunday usually, too busy!) too. So 3 sets is sounding good - and Mim I had completely forgotten about sports uniform (hehe so typical of me!), so with that as well 3 should be plenty or maybe the 2 shorts as you did.

With mufti, I was wondering whether I might end up doing the same thing you did Nicole and having too much mufti, so I think I will buy less. After all, I can always buy more at the time if need be.

And you both make a good point about the summer holidays.

Thanks so much! You have saved me money!

Prue said...

We have 4 shirts, 2 shorts, 2 jumpers plus the sports uniform. I find this way, I can usually get away with one white wash and one colours wash a week. It helps that the shorts are a dark blue which doesn't show much dirt.

I am pretty sure we'll have too much in the way of everyday clothes, but that's partly because my grandfather buys his great grandchildren souvenir shirts every time he goes on holidays...

Megan said...

Thanks Prue for pointing out the sorting of washes - hadnt thought about that, but need to factor that in with my washing - the bottoms and jumpers are dark, but Im not sure about the precise tone of the tops.

Clothing gifts are welcome, but are hard to plan ahead souvenir tees here, but loving grandmothers who buy things on impulse we do have!