Monday, September 22, 2008


Hello! Yes I still exist. I have been busy preparing to speak at Revive08 - the conference I mentioned earlier. Oh, and my husband went away last week, which always makes things more hectic! I spoke on Saturday at Revive - I was asked to speak on transformation and I ended up speaking about hope as key to transformation. It went well - thanks to God, and lots of prayer and support from people. My prayer is that my words will make a difference.

My favourite bit of praise? Sparky (who is turning 4 in about 9 days time) came up to me a couple of days later and said "Mummy, I am so proud of you". I'm not sure he really understood what I had been doing, but he had heard my parents and his Dad talking to me about it. Quite a bit recently, he has been making encouraging comments of this kind. So what I liked most about it is that he is starting to see that he can make a difference to others through his words to them.


Prue said...

I'm glad it went well on the weekend. I was thinking of you and praying for you.

Megan said...

Thanks Prue! I certainly felt people's prayers!