Sunday, July 27, 2008

Comeback and Talkback

New laptop finally - and I'm back!

So what do I say now I'm back?

I want to ask what YOU think.

I'm speaking at a conference thingie in a bit less than a couple of months- on transformation. I have been thinking lots on how this occurs, but I thought I might ask you what you think plays the biggest role in transformation (of individuals and communties). Or maybe you could share a story?

image by


mimbles said...

Ummmmm...nice butterfly!

*fails to think of anything profound or even relevant to say*

Which may have something to do with the time of night. Yay! for the new laptop :)

Prue said...

A change in haircut is often brought about by a change in something else - relationships, the baby getting big enough to start pulling hair....

Does this count as a transformation? Sorry - not feeling particularly creative, but wanted to write something to welcome you back from blog-oblivion!

Kris said...

I think the Holy Spirit plays the biggest role in transformation. Without the inner workings of the Spirit, any change will at best be external, temporary, and shallow. For a community to truly experience transformation, there needs to be a real movement of the Spirit within people. Like the Welsh revival in the 19th century, where the pit ponies in the coal mines stopped working because so many miners had experienced a real transformation through meeting Jesus, and their language was radically changed.

Here endeth the pontification... :)

Kris said...

Sorry, forgot to mention at the end there: the language was an external sign of an internal reality.
