Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Friday introspection

Around this time of year I tend to engage in some self examination. I've been thinking lately about how you can love everybody. What often gets said by Christians is that love is an action, and so we choose to love in what we do, rather than necessarily feeling loving all the time. This is a good point, and yet I know that when people "love" me in that way I can often tell that they don't like me and that they are choosing to make an effort. I appreciate the effort, yet it makes me sad that they can't get over the negative feelings. So, I want to hold myself to a higher ideal - to make an attempt to see the good in people, to see the potential for good perhaps, and to try to have the feeling (if I can) as well as the action. That, I think - though very difficult - is the ideal. And meanwhile, yes, choose to love by action if I can't feel - but to do so so graciously that it doesn't come across as a gritted teeth EFFORT to love.

1 comment:

Cecily said...

I think if there's not at least a little bit of loving feeling there, it's not love, despite the most heroic actions. It's duty, and there's a difference.

John Piper wrote: would you appreciate flowers your husband brought home if he only did it out of duty, to show he 'loved' you? Natch, baby. In fact, the flowers would leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

It's far easier to 'do the action' than to be in touch with other people and yourself and God enough to actually 'LOVE' them with feeling too.