Monday, May 28, 2007

Not just proof texting but personality

I was watching greys anatomy and had a theological thought (!!!!)
There was an amish couple on it who were shunning a member who had left, despite the fact she was helping their daughter. No doubt they based this on some understanding of a biblical verse. It struck me that often we go looking for a verse for a situation rather than basing our decision on an intimate knowledge of God who he is what he does - how he relates to us. And I reckon thats why so many christians are often lacking in grace. our holiness then looks nothing like God - and so therefore isnt holiness but rather self righteousness. why is a God rich in mercy represented by the merciless rigid or smugly self satisfied ? Jesus hung out with the most despised in society but we can't even get along with slightly different flavour christians. because we insist on holding others to our interpretations of particular verses. there endeth the rant


Andrew Paterson said...

Wow - strong comments Megan.

Has this experience happened to you a lot?

Have you met many people who 'have found a verse to back their position with you?

Gray's Anatomy has the totally opposite effect on me (ie I never watch it!).

Try Boston Legal instead!

Megan said...

ah i'm in bed at boston legal time. one obvious area i have been hit by this is women in ministry....i wonder when i have done it myself.