Saturday, February 24, 2007

Other women are awe inspiring and scary

another blog re kids - ok I intend to write about more cerebral things some time - anyway - now i am a 2 boy mum and I am now even more in awe of those women with more than 2 children. I know women with 3 or 4 children, who also manage to be fantastic cooks, cooking food for friends who have had babies or illnesses, who remember birthdays making homemade cards and presents, who volunteer in various capacities, who perhaps do some paid work, who do some form of creative outlet such as scrapbooking or needlework or writing, who are loving mothers and wives and really good friends to others. All this, and some of them have husbands who arent there much. My husband is around quite a bit, but the juggling act seems still a huge one to me, and I an happy to survive in a slapdash slovenly manner, as long as the food under the couch is younger than me, I feel I'm doing well.....

1 comment:

Cecily said...

You have just articulated every woman's secret thought: that somehow, all those other women out there are doing it ok and juggling everything... but I can't even [insert appropriate task here].

I'll tell you: we all think it, about everyone else, all the time! There are so many periods in the day when I put my head down and think "I just can't do this... but I have to because all the other women out there can!"