Monday, June 29, 2009

So, how does this blogging thing work again?

well, feeling somewhat better, though it seems I may have some kind of immune system condition. And my laptop is back up after 3 weeks on the blink.

So, I'll have to start thinking about blog post topics.

Meanwhile, news from our place:

Bhaer turns 40 soon. What will it be like to be married to a middle aged man?

Sparky (4 3/4) has started helping me with word puzzles such as crosswords. This warms the cockles of my verbal heart.

Scout (almost 2 1/2) is starting to show a talent for taking people off - in the last couple of days, he has cracked us up by imitating his brother and his father.

And I have managed to get through the last few weeks with a lot of help and comfort from family and friends - phone calls, visits, outings, gifts, meals, housework, child minding and hugs. Thanks.


Cecily said...

nice to see you back!

tuipiri said...

glad you're back on air.

Matt Stone said...


I'm not a pastor but I'm also an Aussie Baptist who blogs. Saw you at neobaptist.

Megan said...

hey matt, we know each other on facebook!