Friday, May 1, 2009

Light and Dark

You might have noticed that since Easter I haven't really done any serious posts. After our Easter sickness, I have been tired and busy.

Not that I haven't been thinking seriously - or writing seriously - I have been thinking, writing and teaching for church. With small children, housework and working part time in a mind heavy job, as well as doing some distance teaching, by the time I come to my blog I'm relaxing.

Perhaps that's why I don't mention my work much on this blog. Another reason is that my work often needs to be confidential. As it involves people, I also must be very careful in what I say.

But I could upload sermons for instance. This would involve very little extra work for me! (might have to spellcheck them then...) I never have. Many men I know in ministry do. I'm a little afraid I would bore you all - I've built up a small audience of friends and use my blog to enrich my friendships - to suddenly start putting up teaching material doesn't seem right relationally. I do read blogs which are more serious and less domestic than mine, and I enjoy them. But I'm not sure I want to take my blog there. But I would like to have more energy to put in more thoughtful pieces.

Funnily enough a male friend of mine has been thinking in the opposite direction - wanting to go more domestic with his blog, but afraid to take that step. I suspect there are some gender factors at work here, about what face we feel confident to present to the world.

What do you most like about my blog? what would you like to see more of? And with your own blog, do you ever think about what direction to take it?


Prue said...

I like your blog. I like the little titbits of psychology that you sometimes have, hearing about your family, and the thoughtful bits you do. If you did want to do sermons perhaps a separate sermon blog would work better.

Sometimes I think I need to have more serious stuff on mine, but mostly I'm happy with how mine is.

Andrew Paterson said...

It'd be good to hear what on your mind occasionally from a 'work' point of view - or a book review of something you are using for work - but you do that sometimes anyway? Sermons - well, does your church do that?

Megan said...

thanks guys! I might try to get the ole grey matter working a bit more but still keep the cosy casual charcter I've got going!