Saturday, March 15, 2008

Boys' dreams

Sparky announced to me today, with a complete lack of originality for a boy, that when he grows up he wants to be a fireman. This follows on from his longheld desire to be a superhero. (I was a girly girl who wanted to be a ballerina and the like). It is easy to dismiss these dreams as just boyish bravado. Yet I a while ago I asked Sparky why he liked superheroes - expecting to hear that they are able to do anything, or are very strong. He told me he likes them because they help people. It struck me that this is something they have in common with superheroes. Is this something we downplay in our stereotyping of boys? That in their desire to be these kind of heroes, boys show an altruism very early on? We often these days see the desire to help as feminine. Sure, the heroism is active and public, and perhaps in that we see a masculine side to the altruism. But nevertheless, there are boys all over wanting to help and save people. What a pity that we tell them to be sensible instead. I don't know whether he will continue to want to be a fireman - the majority don't - but I hope he keeps that desire to help.
(and yes he does like Fireman Sam, and we have this toy!)

1 comment:

mimbles said...

For several years now Tom, when asked what he wants to do when he grows up, reliably tells of his plans to own a costume shop and how he will make costumes for people so they can dress up as whatever they want.(Interesting, not so he can dress up but for others, there's that altruism thing again!) This follows on from a long running obsession with dress-ups all through his toddler and pre-school years. I'm thinking maybe I should teach him how to sew....