Sunday, May 3, 2009


Do you keep buying the same item of clothing over and over? I do. Sometimes intentionally, but often unintentionally. I get it home and think, hmmm, I've bought that before.

Pictured is the black turtleneck I bought from Saba recently with birthday money (under the cardi). I seem to always have a black turtleneck on the go. And then there are the other colour turtlenecks....I also have a thing for cardis, especially grey ones ("what? another cardi???" is a frequent refrain of Bhaer's). Talking about which, that cardi in the picture is quite nice...

Very high back heels, black knee high boots also figure in my repertoire. I like to think of it as refining my style ;)


Andrew Paterson said...

I guess you'd rather be buying this over and over rather than - say - a shiny purple huge shoulder padded coat! Your choice looks quite nice!~

Megan said...

Thanks Andrew, yes you could call my style elegant and classic - or boring LOL....especially compared to my more edgy style you might recall from Uni days (but really, you can't do the little kid thing wearing an ankle length velvet skirt, vintage high neck lace blouse and hat with self made tulle veil hanging off the back - which is one of the outfits I used to wear then!!!)

Prue said...

I remember that outfit Megan!