Wednesday, September 5, 2007

tv versus internet

Only a few years ago, i was astounded that the gen yers that i knew really didn't watch Tv and instead spent time on the net. I didn't use the net until I was an adult, at my first job post uni - in 1996 - and didn't get it at home until 1999.

i have enjoyed it from the start, but as i grew up on tv not net, i didn't see tv watching getting taken over.

but i have to admit, the net is drawing me in more and tv is drawing me less. Surfing, ebay, facebook, blogs, email - on the net i can direct what I am interested in a lot more, rather than being stuck with the very few options of today's free to air tv.

As a relational kinda girl, I am interested though in how it affects these - I think it is good for relationships outside my family - instead of sitting watching tv i am often on the net interacting. but i think it isn't as good for my r/ship with my husband - tv watching can be a shared activity, but with the net we sit in different rooms - even now we are watching tv, but i am also on the net.

1 comment:

mimbles said...

Net ftw! We were TV free for a good 18 months - got rid of the cable and didn't plug in the aerial - and got right out of the habit of watching broadcast TV. We've since plugged the aerial in but we rarely watch.

The nice thing about having a shared study (3 desks each with a PC all in the one room) is that being on-line or playing games can be interactive for the family as well. Adam and the boys were playing with Gaz on-line tonight and once the kids were in bed Adam and I sat in front of our respective screens an did the rl version of instant messaging ;-)

I do find that the very worst set-up is if we are in front of the TV both of us with our laptops on - now THAT is antisocial. Probably because if you look up from the lappy your attention is going to be caught by the TV rather than being able to focus on the other person.

My social life is almost totally dependent on net interactions and communications, I'd be pretty much at home doing nothing without it.