Sunday, July 15, 2007

update on owl's sleep

2nd night: awful - needed us to go in after almost every cycle for several hours
3rd night: good!!! some very brief cries, but didn't go in til 6:15 to feed him

today: days haven't been too hard until now because he has been exhausted. but today he hasn't been as tired, so been a little harder - 1st sleep cried 3/4 hour and only slept one cycle. one 2nd sleep now, cried until I left the room, but is asleep now. So a good improvement.

so getting there. been hard though. I'm tired so writing in short sentences! For those who prayed thanks so much - and keep going please.

hopefully very soon, the name owl will be a misnomer - will have to start thinking of something else.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Ack! Hated that phase of teaching the kids to sleep. I was very conscientious with boy, but by Essie's time I gave in and rocked her to sleep a little. It's well worth it in the end, though! :)